Report filters applied to bootstrap-based enrichment results
This function filters enrichment results based on various criteria, such as minimum intersection, significance thresholds, and bootstrapping fractions, reporting which terms passed / didn't pass which filter.
enrich_type = c("ORA", "MSEA"),
min_intersection = 3,
alpha_cutoff = 0.05,
q.val_cutoff = 0.2,
boot_fract_cutoff = 0.5
- unfiltered_df
A data frame containing unfiltered enrichment results from
.- enrich_type
A character string specifying the type of enrichment analysis. Must be either "ORA" (Over-Representation Analysis) or "MSEA" (Metabolite Set Enrichment Analysis).
- min_intersection
An integer specifying the minimum number of true positives (TP) required for a term to pass the filter.
- alpha_cutoff
A numeric value specifying the p-value cutoff for significance. Default is 0.05.
- q.val_cutoff
A numeric value specifying the q-value cutoff for significance. Default is 0.2.
- boot_fract_cutoff
A numeric value specifying the minimum fraction of bootstraps in which a term must be present to be considered.
A data frame with binary columns indicating which terms pass the specified criteria. The data frame columns include:
min_TP (minimum true positives)
significant_adj_boot (significant adjusted bootstrap p-value)
significant_adj_terms (significant adjusted term p-value)
pass_boot_fraction (pass bootstrapping fraction)
pass_all_filts (Whether term passes all filters)
The function adjusts p-values using the False Discovery Rate (FDR) method and calculates combined p-values using the metap_sumlog_pvals
function. It then applies several filters to determine which terms pass all criteria.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
data("example_ORA_obj", package = "S2IsoMErData")
data("example_ORA_custom_universe", package = "S2IsoMErData")
input_scm = example_ORA_obj$scmatrix
conds = example_ORA_obj$conditions
cond_x = "U"
cond_y = "F"
ORA_obj <- initEnrichment(
scmatrix = input_scm,
conditions = conds,
enrichment_type = "ORA",
annot_db = "HMDB",
consider_isomers = TRUE,
consider_isobars = TRUE,
polarization_mode = "positive",
background_type = "sub_class",
molecule_type = "Metabo",
condition.x = cond_x,
condition.y = cond_y
ORA_res <- Run_enrichment(
object = ORA_obj,
custom_universe = example_ORA_custom_universe,
report_ambiguity_scores = TRUE,
DE_LFC_cutoff = 0,
min.pct.diff = 0
enrich_ORA_summary <- passed_filters_per_term(
unfiltered_df = ORA_res$upregulated$unfiltered_enrich_res,
enrich_type = "ORA"
} # }