initEnrichment() creates object to perform bootstrapping metabolite set enrichment analysis
enrichment_type = c("ORA", "MSEA"),
annot_db = "HMDB",
annot_custom_db = NULL,
endogenous_only = T,
pathway_assoc_only = F,
remove_expected_predicted = T,
annotations = NULL,
annotation.weights = NULL,
consider_isomers = TRUE,
consider_isobars = FALSE,
mass_range_ppm = 3,
polarization_mode = "positive",
include = NULL,
molecule_type = c("Lipid", "Metabo"),
background_type = c("LION", "main_class", "super_class", "sub_class", "pathways"),
custom_bg = NULL,
termsOfInterest = "all",
condition.x = NULL,
condition.y = NULL, = c("wilcox.test", "t.test", "BWS", "logFC"),
gsea.method = c("fgsea", "ks_signed")
- scmatrix
A numeric matrix of n metabolites (rows) and m cells or measurments (columns).
- conditions
A vector of length m with condition identifiers.
- enrichment_type
A character specifying whether Overrepresentation analysis (ORA) or Metabolite Set Enrichment Analysis (MSEA) is performed
- annot_db
A character or character vector specifying which annotation database(s) were used. Current databases include ("CoreMetabolome", "HMDB","SwissLipids","LipidMaps"). Multiple databases can be selected
- annot_custom_db
An optional dataframe from which the isomers will be sampled. It should have 2 columns : formula and molecule name. If provided,
will be ignored.- endogenous_only
A logical indicating whether to only consider endogenous metabolites (default = TRUE).
- pathway_assoc_only
A logical indicating whether to only consider metabolites associated with a biological pathway (default = FALSE)
- remove_expected_predicted
A logical indicating whether to remove expected and predicted isomers based on HMDB status (default = TRUE)
- annotations
An optional custom list of length n, with each element contains a vector of isomer names. If not specified, S2IsoMEr uses the CoreMetabolome, LIPIDMAPS, SwissLipids, and HMDB databases from METASPACE ( to generate an annotation list automatically.
- annotation.weights
An optional list of length n, each element contains a vector of isomer weights. Only when annotations is provided as list.
- consider_isomers
A logical indicating whether to include isomers (default = TRUE)
- consider_isobars
A logical indicating whether to include isobars (default = FALSE)
- mass_range_ppm
A numeric indicating the mass range in ppm (default: mass_range_ppm = 3). Molecular formulas + adducts within this range will be treated as isobars. Only required when isobars = TRUE.
- polarization_mode
A character with either 'positive' (default) or 'negative'. Only required when isobars = TRUE. When set to 'positive', included adducts are '+H', '+Na', and '+K'. When set to 'negative', included adducts are '-H', '+Cl'.
- include
An optional logical vector of length n indicating whether to include the annotations in the analysis.
- molecule_type
A character specifying the feature type for the enrichment background, either Metabolites or Lipids. Valid choices are c("Metabo", "Lipid").
- background_type
A character specifying the background type for enrichment, choose one from c("LION","main_class","super_class","sub_class","pathways").
- custom_bg
A named list with character vectors of metabolite names. Default is NULL
- termsOfInterest
A character containing 'selection' (for default LION-term selection), 'all', or a vector of term names (see 'pathway').
- condition.x
first condition identifier for pairwise comparison.
- condition.y
second condition identifier for pairwise comparison.
A character of either 'wilcox.test' (default), 't.test', 'logFC' or 'BWS', to rank metabolites using the respective statistic. Check
for more details. Ignored ifenrichment_type
is 'ORA'.- gsea.method
A character of either 'ks_signed' or 'fgsea'. Ignored if
is 'ORA'.
Korotkevich G, Sukhov V, Sergushichev A (2019). “Fast gene set enrichment analysis.” bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/060012,
Napoli F (2017). “signed-ks-test.”
Murakami, Hidetoshi. (2012). Modified Baumgartner Statistics for the Two-Sample and Multisample Problems: A Numerical Comparison. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 82 (5): 711–28.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
data("example_ORA_obj", package = "S2IsoMErData")
input_scm = example_ORA_obj$scmatrix
conds = example_ORA_obj$conditions
cond_x = "U"
cond_y = "F"
ORA_obj <- initEnrichment(
scmatrix = input_scm,
conditions = conds,
enrichment_type = "ORA",
annot_db = "HMDB",
consider_isomers = TRUE,
consider_isobars = TRUE,
polarization_mode = "positive",
background_type = "sub_class",
molecule_type = "Metabo",
condition.x = cond_x,
condition.y = cond_y
} # }