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This function generates a heatmap of combined MSEA results. The heatmap displays normalized enrichment scores (NES) across multiple conditions and highlights significant results based on a specified alpha cutoff.


plot_MSEA_Multi_cond(combined_MSEA_res, alpha_cutoff = 0.05)



A data frame containing combined MSEA results for each pairwise comparison from either enrichment results in Run_bootstrap_MSEA or Run_simple_MSEA


A numeric value specifying the cutoff for significance. Terms with p-values below this threshold will be marked as significant. Default is 0.05.


A heatmap plot showing the NES values for each term across different condition pairs. Significant results are highlighted with an asterisk.


The function checks for the presence of required columns and ensures there are enough conditions to generate a meaningful plot. The heatmap includes color coding for NES values, with significant results indicated by asterisks.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
data("example_MSEA_multicond", package = "S2IsoMErData")
p = plot_MSEA_Multi_cond(combined_MSEA_res = example_MSEA_multicond,
                         alpha_cutoff = 0.05)
} # }