This function performs simple metabolite set enrichment analysis on a given dataset. It ensures that the ranking conditions are set properly and conducts the enrichment analysis using either the KS-signed method or fgsea.
- object
A S2IsoMEr object initialized by
containing the necessary data and parameters, including annotations, annotation weights, rankings, pathway list, and additional settings.- min_pathway_size
An integer specifying the minimum number of metabolites that must be present in a given term for it to be considered.
A list containing the results of the enrichment analysis, including:
enrichment results
the comparison conditions
This function performs a bootstrapped metabolite set enrichment analysis by resampling the annotations and calculating enrichment scores for each bootstrap sample. It handles both KS-signed method]( or fgsea methods for enrichment analysis and returns a comprehensive summary of the results.
Korotkevich G, Sukhov V, Sergushichev A (2019). “Fast gene set enrichment analysis.” bioRxiv. doi:10.1101/060012,
Napoli F (2017). “signed-ks-test.”
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
data("example_MSEA_obj", package = "S2IsoMErData")
result <- Run_simple_MSEA(object = example_MSEA_obj, n_bootstraps = 50)
} # }